Starting out on the hunt can be a really exciting time for most beginners, there’s a lot to take in and learn but you will never forget the first few times you accompany another hunter out on the field as they show you the ropes to being a successful veteran hunter.
There are many aspects of hunting that you need to learn because at the end of the day it can get dangerous if you ignore certain rules and regulations. However, picking up the ropes, listening and watching are key parts to helping any beginner climb up the growth curve to being a good, solid hunter.
So where does a beginner first start?
Get Yourself Mentally and Physically Prepared
Before taking to the steep inclines and horrid weather condition that can be thrown at you whilst hunting, there is one main area that you need to concentrate on in order to keep up with things. That Is of course, getting yourself mentally and physically fit because at the end of the day you are going to be walking, hiking and waiting for long hours before you get a catch (that is, if you even get one).
A lot of beginners head out thinking that it’s going to be a breeze and that they can handle the tough rugged inclines and rocky grounds, but the truth is beginners aren’t used to this level of activity and soon become tired and worn out. Even if they can sustain the physical endurement it’s the mentality that could kick in at any time with some beginners getting bored and losing concentration. Therefore it’s advisable to start jogging around your neighborhood or head to a local gym where you can improve your physical fitness levels in order to combat the woodlands you are about to face.
It’s All About Your Boots
Walking and hiking are something that go hand in hand with hunting so its without saying that not only do you need a pair of boots that feel comfortable on your feet with good padded soles, but they also need to stand the test of any grounds you are going to be walking across.
The last thing you want from a pair of boots is for them to rip on a rock, or to get leaks from stepping through boggy grounds or puddles. Therefore you need a good pair of boots that can help you climb ridges and slopes without slipping, you need good breathability and at the same time plenty of waterproof materials to step your feet getting wet.
You also want to think about the time of the year you head out on an elk hunt, because if there is ground frost or snow you will want your boots to provide a good level of insulation to your feet so that you don’t suffer from further conditions that may damage you.
Overall, you can see the importance of a good pair of boots for the beginner elk hunter, and its advisable not to scrimp on a pair of boots as this could be the most important purchase you are going to make. We aren’t saying spend excessively, but just look for a decent pair and shell out a bit of money to know that you are going to be in good hands.
Be Prepared to Get Dirty with a Kill
Hunting is fantastic for a beginner, the fresh open woodlands, all the preparation done and kitted up to the full with great clothing and accessories. However, sometimes beginners fall at the last hurdle and that is once they have got a kill they need to set themselves in the mind-frame to skin, quarter and the haul that meat back through the woodland.
Before you seriously take up hunting you need to ask yourself if this is something that you can easily do?
Not only will you be gutting out an elk, stripping the skin and then cutting it up but you have to remember that these are tough animals so it’s also going to rely on a lot of back-breaking work where your muscles from head to toe are going to be put under a lot of strain.
If you can do this then you are one step closer to become that hunter you have dreamed of, and don’t get worried because the first time you come to deal with your dead Elk it is going to be a new experience to 90% of people so just learn from it and watch other hunters in how they skin and gut their kill.
Once you have done this for the first time you will be guaranteed to be leaving that woodland a proud person and then you can really begin to fine tune your skills because every hunter is constantly on a learning curve to success